EXclusive News – November 2024
Welcome to the latest edition of EXclusive News, brought to you by Brand Experiences. This month we introduce some of our super services, explain what it means to be a Director and signpost some useful reports. We’re EXcited to bring you this newsletter and if you find it useful, do share it with your networks.
Our Culture, Customer Experience, Employee Experience and Sustainability support offerings
We have a wide range of services that support the four things we care most about. Here’s three of them which you may wish to consider.

Brand Experience Audit: Your Brand Experience is how you interact and engage with your customers, employees, prospects, and candidates now. Every business already has one - whether you consciously think about it or not. If you're not - then you should! Our BX audit covers:
- The brand
- The message
- The Customer Experience
- Talent Attraction & Candidate Experience
- The Content
Let's build your brand together. Find out more.
Employee Lifecycle Development: To define the potential scope of your EX activities over the long term, the place to start is to define the overall Employee Lifecycle. This encompasses every interaction between an employee and an organisation, which covers a huge number of processes, journeys and experiences. We can support you to define each stage and to discuss them in-depth. Most organisations obsess over the Customer Lifecyle, and so they should over the Employee Lifecyle. After all, you want to attract talent, maintain brand loyalty, and attract sales from ex-employees. Find out more.
Pillar-Based Marketing: This is a cutting-edge content strategy that revolves around creating comprehensive, central pieces of content (pillar pages) linked to related, more detailed content (cluster content). This interconnected structure not only improves your SEO performance but also provides your audience with a more integrated and informative experience, which will drive engagement, enhance SEO, and elevate your brand's online presence. Find out more.
You can view the whole range of our current services on our website.
Mojo motivator of the month – The Director

There are nine recognised intrinsic motivators. This month we focus upon ‘The Director’.
Directors seek power and influence to shape and guide people and resources. Making critical decisions and progressing in management align with their motivation. Self-confidence, clarity, and desire for responsibility drive their pursuit of power, both formally and informally.
If you have employees for which the above resonates, then you may wish to consider the following motivation strategies on an individual, team or organisation-wide basis.
Individual (What they can proactively do)
- Volunteer to take on more responsibility and continue doing this so long as you are not overwhelmed and rendered ineffective. Remember, you like to manage people and you like to control resources.
- Learn about your strengths and weaknesses, so that you can more effectively prepare for higher office.
- Use an external career consultant to help you map out your ideal career over the next few years.
- Ask if you can shadow more senior people for a day so that you can learn how things operate.
- Apply for more senior positions within the organisation – don’t wait to be asked. You will gain valuable insight into your real situation and prospects where you work.
Team (How the manager and colleagues can support)
- Be explicit – ask the Director team who wants the leader’s job? And build from there – empower them.
- Delegate responsibilities to the Director team and monitor how they perform. Be sure you have safeguards; training is critical.
- Give the team leadership coaching, mentoring and training. Directors need it in order to achieve the level of performance that they seek.
- Allow Directors to stand in for the Team Leader as often as possible. This can be difficult, but this will really help team performance.
- Create an atmosphere of performance and control – for example, does the furniture and office technology convey a sense of high performance?
- Ask the Director team to review how successful meetings are within the organisation. Use this review to re-structure how meetings operate.
- Invite team members to an organizational seminar entitled, “Is management for me?” Enable them to think about their careers.
Organisation (What high-level activities can support)
- Make delegation a core competence.
- Invest in leadership programs.
- Map career paths within the organisation so that they are explicit and clear.
- Ensure that all equipment and features convey the sense of high performance.
- Reward high performance with promotion.
If you’d like to understand more about intrinsic motivation, then view the mojo website or get in touch via: mojo@brandexperiences.com.

Employee Experience Toolkit Masterclass

Earlier this month, four EX-perts participated in our hands-on workshop, guiding them on how to utilise our EXO Toolkit. This included working as a team to create: An Employee Lifecycle, the Moments that Matter and an Employee Journey Map. They also took a mojo map to help them to understand what motivates them and some pointers on how things can improve.
We’ll be running these sessions throughout 2025. If you wish to register your interest, email: nicholas@brandexperiences.com. We can also run these sessions in-house for individual organisations.
Download the Employee Experience Opportunity Toolkit today

Because we believe that every employee deserves to experience great days at work, we offer a number of free resources and tools to help organisations get started. Including our comprehensive EXO Toolkit.
When you need expert advice or support, we are there to help you build a great EX, by leading you through each of the below vital activities.
EX industry useful reports – November 2024
Just in case you missed them, here’s a round-up of some recent reports we think you may find useful. This month we feature reports from Qualtrics, Forbes and Foundlever.
You can stay up-to-date with all things EX by following Brand Experiences on LinkedIn or via our website. You can also follow mojo on LinkedIn or via the website.