EXclusive News – January 2024
Welcome to the latest edition of EXclusive News, brought to you by Brand Experiences. This month we spotlight some of our super services, bring you some personal mojo stories, share our sustainability FAQs and more. We’re EXcited to bring you this newsletter and if you find it useful, do share it with your networks.
Supporting you in 2024 and beyond
We have a wide range of services that support the four things we care most about: Culture, Customer Experience, Employee Experience and Sustainability. Here’s a taster of three of them which you may wish to consider for 2024.

Moments that Matter: These are opportunities to surprise and delight an employee and make them feel all warm and gooey towards their employer. We can support you to plan your Moments that Matter across the Employee Lifecycle and assist in ensuring that these are as consistent as possible across the organisation. Effectively delivering these moments will boost engagement, brand loyalty and retention. Find out more.
Pillar-Based Marketing: This is a cutting-edge content strategy that revolves around creating comprehensive, central pieces of content (pillar pages) linked to related, more detailed content (cluster content). This interconnected structure not only improves your SEO performance but also provides your audience with a more integrated and informative experience, which will drive engagement, enhance SEO, and elevate your brand's online presence. Find out more.
Brand Purpose: We believe that the heart of a successful brand lies in its purpose. Our service is dedicated to helping you discover, articulate, and embody this purpose, transforming your brand into a beacon of inspiration and direction. Find out more.
You can view the whole range of our current services on our website.
Mojo motivator of the month – The Friend

There are nine recognised intrinsic motivators. This month we focus upon ‘The Friend’.
Friends need to belong. They desire nourishing relationships with other people at work - and want to be part of a community. Work for them does not need to be competitive but more collaborative. They need to work for an organisation with a strong identity and culture where people are valued.
If you have employees for which the above resonates, then you may wish to consider the following motivation strategies on an individual, team or organisation-wide basis.
Individual (What they can proactively do)
· Practice listening skills to build trust whilst showing respect
· Greet people on a daily basis – smile and make strong eye contact
· Organise good social events for the team
· Support a colleague having a hard time - be sensitive to confidentiality issues and personal information
· Join a staff committee which aims to review and improve working conditions
Team (How the manager and colleagues can support)
· Make a good social working environment - avoid closed doors, no-go areas, forbidding plaques!
· Publicly stick up for the team when times get tough –they really appreciate it.
· Consider the welfare of the team - is there a quiet room where they can go if they need to calm down, or rest, or meditate or nap?
· Rotate low priority or low skill tasks around the team to lessen the boredom and increase the sense of sharing
· Regularly ask the team: What do you think [about X]?
Organisation (What high-level activities can support)
· Make listening skills a core competence
· Create and support meaningful social events employees want
· Include “having fun” as one of your core values
· Nominate a people to generate fun at work
· Encourage ‘Now-That’ rather than ‘If-Then’ rewards
If you’d like to understand more about intrinsic motivation, then view the mojo website or get in touch via: mojo@brandexperiences.com.
My mojo story

On the topic of mojo… this month, members of the Brand Experiences team have been sharing personal stories of what mojo means to them via the mojo LinkedIn page.
Mike Sharples shares what surprised him when he took his first mojo map and how this has impacted upon the way he has conducted business ever since. Nicholas Wardle discusses how being labelled an introvert had impacted upon his career but taking a mojo map gave himself the permission to follow his passion for public speaking. Steve Jones shares his top three intrinsic motivators and what these mean in practice.
Sustainability FAQs
Our new Sustainability FAQs brings you (almost) everything you ever wanted to know about the Sustainability. For answers to questions like: What does sustainability mean for work?, How do I engage employees in sustainability?, What are The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals?, and many more, follow this link to the Brand Experiences website. Who needs Google!

Employee Experience and Internal Communication are as different as L&D is from payroll
If you want to understand the difference between Employee Experience and Internal Comms and how to get going with your EX efforts, then check out this two-minute article by Nicholas Wardle, featured in Strategic.

EX industry useful reports – January 2024
Just in case you missed them, here’s a round-up of some recent reports think you may find useful. This month we feature reports from HR Director, The Spectator and the 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer.
You can stay up-to-date with all things EX by following Brand Experiences on LinkedIn or via our website.