EXclusive News – March 2024

3 Minutes
Welcome to the latest edition of EXclusive News, produced by Brand Experiences.


Welcome to the latest edition of EXclusive News, brought to you by Brand Experiences. This month we showcase some of our services, spotlight the Stars, discuss what really matters in the work from home vs work from the office debate, and more. We’re EXcited to bring you this newsletter and if you find it useful, do share it with your networks.

Our Culture, Customer Experience, Employee Experience and Sustainability support offerings

We have a wide range of services that support the four things we care most about. Here’s three of them which you may wish to consider.

4 Things

Brand Strategy: At the heart of every successful business lies a powerful brand. Our Brand Strategy service is dedicated to unlocking that potential, transforming your vision into a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience. Our proven BASICS™ methodology supports the creation of: distinct identity, consistent messaging, emotional connection, business growth and long-term vision. Let's build your brand together! Find out more.

Employee Experience Strategy: Your people are your most valuable asset - as we often hear leaders say - and how you treat them can make or break a business. So don’t leave it to chance. We help clients develop a robust and ambitious EX Strategy that will ensure you stand out from the crowd and become a magnet to attract and retain the best talent in your industry. Find out more.

ESG Social Commitment: Investors are likely to consider an organisations' Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) commitments before deciding whether or not to invest. Our experience in putting people first helps organisations to put the ‘S’ into ESG - after all, what could be more important than looking after the welfare and wellbeing of your most important community - your employees and their families. Find out more.

You can view the whole range of our current services on our website.

Mojo motivator of the month – The Star


There are nine recognised intrinsic motivators. This month we focus upon ‘The Star’.

Stars need to be recognised, admired, and respected by the community at large. This means at work, but also on a wider canvas - say, within the profession they are in - or by people in associations they respect.

If you have employees for which the above resonates, then you may wish to consider the following motivation strategies on an individual, team or organisation-wide basis.

Individual (What they can proactively do)

  • Develop their credibility by sharpening their self-image, by focussing on their sense of dominance, and by clarifying their qualifications
  • Reset their targets - making them more ambitious and clearly linked to high visibility rewards
  • Review their career plans and make certain that they are exciting and realistic
  • Volunteer to do charity work, especially where it leads to scrutiny and publicity

Team (How the manager and colleagues can support)

  • Motivate the Star team with prestige and awards
  • Work on projects which are highly credible and usually high profile
  • Produce a real organisational newsletter that is fun, fun, fun!
  • Publicise – by advertising in newspapers and magazines – all industry awards that your organisation and Star team wins or is nominated for
  • Create a display case – often called the “wow wall” – where letters and testimonials from satisfied customers are visible

Organisation (What high-level activities can support)

  • Visibly reward employees little and often
  • Link ambitious targets to high visibility rewards
  • Make sure the organisation has high levels of external accreditations
  • Make employees’ ‘future in the organisation’ figure prominently in discussions and appraisals
  • Produce newsletters and social media posts focusing on what employees and individuals do for the customers

If you’d like to understand more about intrinsic motivation, then view the mojo website or get in touch via: mojo@brandexperiences.com.

It should not be about work from home v. work from office

Pretty much weekly now we're hearing of yet another organisation demanding a full-time or close to full-time return to the office. Yahoo Finance reports this may not produce the results senior leaders expect. Companies that issued return-to-office mandates to their employees experienced no improvement in financial performance and 99% of them saw a drop in employees’ overall job satisfaction. Most organisations exist to make a profit, so this evidence tells that bums on seats doesn't equate to better performance

As the graphic suggests, the more pressing issue is motivated v. unmotivated. In short, if employees have little motivation then they’ll be quite unproductive; if they have lots then they’ll be very productive. Talk to us about how mojo can boost motivation and productivity – no matter where someone is sitting!

Motivated Vs Unmotivated

EX industry useful reports – March 2024

Just in case you missed them, here’s a round-up of some recent reports we think you may find useful. This month we feature reports from Willis Towers Watson, HR Magazine and Yahoo Finance.

You can stay up-to-date with all things EX by following Brand Experiences on LinkedIn or via our website.

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