Etihad Aviation Group
Andrew Stotter-Brooks, Vice President Learning & Development, contacted Brand Experiences as he was seeking solutions for improving employee engagement and satisfaction. After mojo mapping Andrew and some of his L&D team, to obtain proof of concept, it was decided to roll out mojo to an initial tranche of around 400 users.
The mojo roll out
Etihad decided that as they wanted to take ownership of mojo they wanted to have Mojo Mentors, Mojo Managers and Mojo Champions to offer in-house support and guidance. So, Brand Experiences trained over 50 employees across the three mojo roles, who then supported with the roll out and adoption.
The impact
Etihad states that they wish to deliver 'a remarkably thoughtful employee experience' and there's no doubt that mojo helps them to deliver this by:
- Enabling Etihad to own the tool and drive adoption ‘from the people, for the people’
- Upskilling employees through coaching them to be Mojo Mentors, Champions and Managers
- Providing insight into employee satisfaction and preferences
- Providing a common language for motivational preferences
- Helping colleagues to understand what drives them and their colleagues
- Identifying employees who are a ‘flight risk’ to mitigate turnover and productivity losses
Mojo is now being rolled out to more colleagues across Etihad.

We love mojo, the results have been transformational, allowing leaders and managers to effectively understand the bespoke motivational and engagement needs of our team in an incredibly diverse world-beating global operation.
Mojo provides in depth insights, measurement and data allowing precise tracking of our team’s employee experience within Etihad Aviation Group.

Mojo is our online employee motivation platform that drives productivity, wellbeing and resilience
- Improved employee motivation, wellbeing and resilience
- Sustainable productivity growth
- Talent attraction & retention
- Better customer service
- The Human Energy Transition
(from Extrinsic to Intrinsic motivation)